1. If you decide you would like to book, call or email Riders DJ Entertainer IMMEDIATELY (since we work on a first come, first serve basis). We should have most of your information already in our database if we done business with you before, but may need some additional details.
  2. After we receive this information, we will email your contract to you. At this point, the date is being held for you for 10 days.
  3. Print, sign, and return the contract along with the $75 non-refundable deposit within 14 days of the contract date under the logo. You my be able to fax in your contract to us.
  4. As soon as we receive the contract, we will email you a receipt for the deposit acknowledging that the date is officially yours or it can be done in a meeting.
  5. AT LEAST 30 days prior to your event, you should begin working on your song list to send us by e-mail.
  6. After submitting your song list and planner, it is a good idea to contact your DJ directly. If you have misplaced their contact info, simply email us at rollingridersmag@aol.com. At this point, you can either set up another consultation to discuss the final details or communicate via phone/email.
  7. The BIG day is here! At this point, leave it up to the professionals. We will arrive AT LEAST one hour early to set up. As soon as your guests arrive, we will start the music.
  8. The Balance is due after your event. We accept cash or check. At a later date we my beable to accept a credit card.